Wednesday, August 26, 2009

To Him Be Glory Forever!

Psalm 104:31
May the glory of the LORD endure forever; may the LORD rejoice in his works. . .

We were made by Him and for Him!

For His purposes, for His glory! It really doesn't get any better than that because He is our joy! We are His workmanship - may He rejoice in what He has created!
And He will, because we are new creations in Christ. The King will desire our beauty because He sees the righteousness of Jesus! He will rejoice in us, too.

This is such a glorious thing to remember all the time.
Some things get boring if you think about them too long. . . But, not this! May this be a life-long, heart-felt prayer: that the glory of the LORD will endure forever and that He would rejoice in His works!

So, that's what I've been thinking about a lot. . . Glorifying Him in all I do! (And rejoicing in the fact that He is rejoicing in me!) Everyone at ABC wears lots of hats - there are a lot of different things to glorify Him in! I've been kept pretty busy here - and I love it! On week day mornings there are staff devotions at 6:45 a.m., which the staff takes turns leading. Then I lead the 8th graders in their devotions, teach math and manage study halls for most of the morning, recess duty on Mondays, and after-school math tutoring in the afternoons. There are also afternoon activities beginning next week. I am one of the beginning swimming instructors for the little children. Bible studies and get-togethers at my house with the middle school girls will start up soon. . . and I just found out I might be needed as a pianist for the college's choir!

The funniest part to me is all the speaking I've been doing! My public speaking professor from college would not stop laughing if she knew all this was going on because I used to get so nervous before my speeches! Between all the lectures, devotions, testimonies, etc., I've probably said more words in this last week than I have my entire life. =) And it's not even scary anymore! So be prepared if I don't stop talking when I return. . . I'm getting really good at filling in extra time!

I'm so grateful for this opportunity that God has given me to glorify Him.
Remember, we were made by Him and for Him!
May His glory endure forever -- may He be glorified through you, through me, through all His works, "For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen." Romans 11:36


  1. Katie,
    I am SO happy to hear you may be using your piano skills with the college choir. Is the college in your compound also or off site? You have background in all you are being asked to do. God had a plan. Now is the time to put all that background to work for the glory of God!! I am pleased to hear you are open to all these great opportunities. Even the public speaking! We're all busy here getting ready for Sunday's recital. We will be thinking about you.

  2. I am so thrilled to hear that you are able to serve in SO many ways! I am praying God gives you the energy, health and grace to make it through every day as you bring Him the glory!
    Keep shining for Jesus!
    Love you and miss you!

  3. Wow, Katie! I knew you were a mathematician and pianist extraordinaire, but I didn't realize how literary you were. Thank you so much for keeping us up-to-date. I have really enjoyed your blog!

    Let's see ... you are math teacher, blogger, devotion leader, Bible study host, swimming instructor, public speaker, driver, socialite, pianist ... I will know you have maxed out when you are Spanish instructor and volleyball coach!

    Don't forget about the online version of the ESV Study Bible It's really quite good. If you forgot to register before you left, send us an email.

    We love you! God bless you as you feed His lambs!

  4. We rejoice to hear how God is using you!
    I'll be looking forward to following you in your journey :)
    God be with you!
