Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dependent on Him!

On Saturday I drove (Yes!) to the Crisis Nursery, a work of Ministry of Hope:

The Crisis Nursery takes in babies who are at the point of death. Each baby has a unique story - some are HIV positive, some are orphaned, and all of them are starving for attention. Some will stay until they are adopted; others will stay until their parents can afford to take care of them.

Volunteers are welcome anytime to love the babies, play with them, feed them, pray over them. . .
My heart is still weeping. When I arrived to the nursery, there were eighteen babies waiting to be held, all in the same room! One of the fulltime workers handed me Teresa, a 3-week old. She is very new to the nursery. Her mom just passed away, and she will be at the nursery until her daddy can afford to take care of her. She was so helpless! Her eyes were so full of fear. There was no sound from her crying, but big tear drops trickled out of her little eyes, and rolled all the way down her tiny face. I gave her a bottle, which she drank up very fast. Then I hugged her tightly, and she fell asleep on me!

These little babies are so helpless and dependent.
And that's just how we are.

Dependent on our heavenly Father for everything.
Grace? Most definitely.
Love? Positively.
His promises? Yes and amen!
His forgiveness, His mercy, His faithfulness, His compassion. . . His Son, our Savior.

Pray for these babes! Pray for the plight they are in. And while doing so, remember the plight you were in! Remember God's mercy and His love in which 'he predestined us for adoption through Jesus Christ. . .' (Ephesians 1:4-6)
We're not to be babes in our thinking (I Corinthians 14:20), but we are to depend on Him as a baby would! Flee to Him, cry to Him, pour out your heart to Him, seek Him for your needs. . .depend on Him. He cares for and loves His own!

Mom, what would you say if I stepped off the airplane with, oh, a few little Malawians?


  1. Wow. That sure is poignant, and a lovely reminder for us indeed! I will be praying for the babies.
    By the way, mom and I would LOVE to greet you AND some extras at the airport!!!!!! Bring as many as you can!

  2. By the way, have you really mastered the driving?!! :-)

  3. Incredible grace that God is pouring out on you. I would love to be there holding those babies with you. Bring one home for me, and keep sending us the insightful thoughts of praise. He HAS mercied us incredibly!

  4. Praying for the babies! I am a firm believer in "love therapy". It is the best treatment for any ailment!

  5. What a blessing you are to those babies!
    I got goosebumps from your correlation between them and us. Without God's love, we would be full of fear and powerless too.
    You and everyone there will be in my prayers.

    Bring a few home for me too, ok? :)

  6. Love your blog Katie!
    You are passing so much love and of God's love on to these children!.
    What a mission!
    Praying for you and for these babies,

  7. Katie,
    Teresa was God's gift to you that day. I hope you bring that story home with you and share it every chance you get. One of our parishoners was a missionary in Africa for 1 year. Now she goes into different churches, brings her story, and shares it with parishoners who freely give their treasure to help support those kids back where she lived.
    Keep up the good work! I hope you get to hug and hold Teresa often while you are there.
    PS One of my long time students, Sarah conducted the San Diego Symphony in l movement of Swan Lake at the Summer Pops concert on Sunday. She was awesome. Wish you could have seen and heard it. Cannons and fireworks at the end too.
